IMCV-M2MM Series - Protocol-Independent, SNMP-Manageable Fiber Mode Conversion Modules
In today’s dynamic networks, changing requirements are a fact of life. The multi-mode fiber products and cabling which were the most cost effective and sound choice for your network yesterday may no longer give you the flexibility you require when adding remote offices today. Easily overcome the distance limitations inherent to multi-mode fiber by extending it with a fiber mode converter.
Extend the reach of your network without replacing multi-mode fiber equipment. Fiber pulled within a building is typically mulit-mode. If a network device or test equipment offers 850nm multi-mode fiber ports, and has to connect to a 1300nm multi-mode NIC or router, a mode converter is required. The iMcV-M2mm fiber mode converter includes:
- Converts multi-mode to multi-mode fiber
- Supports 10 Mbps Ethernet to 155 Mbps or 1.25 Gbps Gigabit Ethernet
Hot-swappable fiber mode conversion modules significantly reduce operation costs by allowing other modules within the same chassis to remain up and running during product upgrades, maintenance and troubleshooting.