IMCV-DS3/E3/STS LineTerm Series - DS3/E3 Tepeaters with Remote Management
The iMcV-DS3/E3-LineTerm converter performs the standard "Line Termination" (GR-820-CORE) function of these TDM-based line signals. This function transmits an Alarm Indication Signal (AIS) on the line whenever a received signal is lost. Line faults can easily be isolated to one line section and do not propagate over multiple-line sections as they do with normal line repeaters.
Each module includes one pair of BNC connectors and one pair of ST or SC fiber optic connectors. This module can be installed in any iMediaChassis or MediaChassis chassis, but can only be managed through a SNMP manageable iMediaChassis.
The LineTerm converter is also available with single-strand fiber and the iMcV-DS3/E3-LineTerm BNC/SSFX modules allow two wavelengths (1310 nm and 1550 nm) to share one fiber strand, essentially doubling the capacity of installed fiber. The single-strand versions at HOST and REMOTE must have opposite transmit and receive wavelengths. For example, one that transmits at 1310 nm must be paired with another that receives at 1310 nm.
iMcV-DS3/E3-LineTerm modules are deployed in pairs (one at each end of a fiber line). The data transmitted on the fiber ports can only be received and interpreted by another iMcV-DS3/E3-LineTerm unit.