PC10422 Serie - PC/104 zu ARCnet Adapter

Der PC10422-TPB von Contemporary Controls ist ein PC/104 zu ARCnet Adapter.
Der PC10422-TPB von Contemporary Controls ist ein PC/104 zu ARCnet Adapter.
Der PC10422-CXS von Contemporary Controls ist ein PC/104 zu ARCnet Adapter.
Die PC/104 zu ARCnet Karten der PC10422 Serie von Contemporary Controls sind ausgestattet mit einem COM20022 ARCnet Controller, Übertragungsraten bis zu 10 Mbps, Energiesparendem CMOS-Design und die Adapter sind kompatibel mit alles MOD & AI HUBs von Contemporary Controls.

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ARCnet Interface Modules for PC/104 Bus Computers

Like the PC10420 Series of Network Interface Modules (NIMs), the PC10422 Series enables ARCNET connectivity for PC/104 compatible computers. But this series is designed with the more advanced ARCNET controller chip which is the COM20022.

The COM20022 controller chip has benefits such as command chaining, sequential access to internal RAM, and duplicate node ID detection. Bus contention problems are decreased since the module only requires an I/O address. There is no requirement for wait-state arbitration. The +5 V only operation reduces system cost by eliminating multiple-voltage power sources.

Each NIM has two LEDs to monitor network operation and bus access. An 8-bit DIP switch can set the node address without the removing the module. The node address can be configured via software — leaving the DIP switch for user-defined functions such as data rate, cable interface, or master/slave status of the system.

This series implements three EIA-485 physical layers. The PC10422-485D supports DC-coupling while the PC10422-485X provides transformer coupling. If your software will set the backplane mode, choose the PC10422-4000 (transformer-coupled). All EIA-485 models are fitted with dual RJ-11s and a three-position screw terminal connector to ease field wiring.