BAScloudVPN - 6-Monats Lizenz

BAScloudVPN - Diagramm
BAScloudVPN - Diagramm
Eine 6-Monats Lizenz für BAScloudVPN Router und Clients.

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BAScloudVPN - Secure Remote Communication over the Internet

Accessing machines at remote sites over the Internet can be a challenge since firewalls block messages that originate from the Internet. Although it is possible to open up ports in the firewall using Port Forwarding, IT professionals are reluctant to compromise the security of their network and usually decline this type of request. Without permission from the IT department, the systems integrator is left with few options. However, one solution to this problem is to incorporate a Virtual Private Network (VPN). By hosting a VPN server in the cloud, simplified secure remote communication over the Internet is possible.

The BAScloudVPN is a service offered by Contemporary Controls that allows systems integrators remote access to systems from the convenience of the systems integrator’s home or office. A cloud-based VPN server hosted by Contemporary Controls provides the critical connection between two VPN clients — one installed on the systems integrator’s PC and the other permanently installed on Contemporary Controls’ VPN router located at the remote location. Using this approach, two secure VPN tunnels are created with no concern for intervening firewalls.

The BAScloudVPN is based on OpenVPN — a well supported open-source VPN technology. In addition to OpenVPN PC clients for Windows machines, OpenVPN clients are available for iOS and Android mobile devices for greater flexibility in accessing sites remotely.