Digi Connect SP® - Kompakter Geräteserver für individuelle Anwendungen

Der Digi Connect SP von Digi ist ein serieller Geraeteserver.
Der Digi Connect SP von Digi ist ein serieller Geraeteserver.
Die Geräteserver der Digi Connect SP® Serie sind ausgestattet mit einem RS-232/422/485 Port, Python und Cloud Unterstützung für individuelle Anwendungen, einer 10/100 Mbit Ethernet Schnittstelle und Digi Plug & Play Firmware sowie NET+OS Development-Kits.

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Digi Connect SP® - Compact serial server for custom applications

The Digi Connect SP customizable serial server delivers a true plug-and-play device networking solution that combines a compact form factor with proven serial port connectivity. It is available with pre-loaded Digi plug-and-play firmware for out-of-the-box serial server functionality, or with a Digi JumpStart Kit for custom embedded applications.

Available with pre-loaded Digi plug-and-play firmware, it provides powerful and configurable IPv4/IPv6 device server functionality out of the box, including an easy-to-use web user interface and security features.

For custom embedded applications, Digi JumpStart Kits for the IPv6-ready Thread-X based NET+OS development platform deliver an easy-to-use, affordable development solution. These kits provide the integrated building blocks to quickly and cost-effectively create flexible and secure embedded applications for integrated high-performance networking solutions.

Single-unit and bulk packs include unit with power supply. Please order development kits for product development purposes.