Trockenkontakt Sensoren

Trockenkontakt Sensoren von AKCP.
Trockenkontakt Sensoren von AKCP.
Trockenkontakt Sensoren von AKCP zur Erweiterung von sensorProbe Geräten. Können als Input und Output verwendet werden. Bei Warnungen muss erst die Warnung gemeldet werden (via SNMP), damit der Status wieder auf NORMAL gehen kann.

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Dry Contact Sonsors - DCS15

The Dry Contact sensor is a simple connection to burglar alarms, fire alarms or any application that requires monitoring by the sensorProbe. Dry contact sensors are user definable and can be used to detect many different inputs such as UPS status, security systems, air conditioning status.

These general purpose switches can be either input or output. When used as an output it can source up to 20 mAmps. You can select the output voltage by setting the Output Level to a Low or a High. When set to Low the pin will output 0 volts. When set as a High the pin will output 5 volts.

When used as an input a switch will retain any error condition until it is read via SNMP. Therefore if a switch encounters a critical condition at any time it must report that condition before it can return to a normal state.

Input pins can be used to detect whether or not an input switch is open or closed. In combination with external sensors, input pins can detect whether a door or window is open or closed, if there is a water incursion and many other conditions.

Measurement RangeAlarm or Normal
Communications CableRJ-45 jack to sensor using UTP Cat 5 wire
Sensor TypeOpen/closed contact switch
Measurement RateMultiple readings every second
Current RangeCan sink up to 20 mAmps
Power Sourcepowered by the sensorProbe. No additional power needed | Input voltage range. 0 to 5 volts. | Normal input voltage is settable under software | Normally open, normally closed is settable under software | Up to 2 dry contact sensors per sensorProbe2, 8 per sensorProbe8 and securityProbe | Full autosense including disconnect alarm
DCS1515 feet
DCS6060 feet
DCS100100 feet
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